Sunday, September 7, 2008

Why We Fight....

I wanted to put up this poem on my blog as well after reading it on my niece's blog last week. The poem has struck a cord within me since I read it. I thought of it again today as I watched the news at work on my supper break about another fallen soldier...just way too many that have fallen....
I continue to think and pray for my nephew's safe return later this month from Afganistan and still admire the work that these brave people are doing over there.

Sorry if you have already read the poem on Christy's blog but I thought it was too well written not to repost...

THE following poem, titled Why We Fight, was written in Afghanistan in 2006 by Cpl. Andrew Grenon of Windsor, Ont., one of three Canadian soldiers who died Wednesday during an ambush in the volatile Zhari district. It was released Thursday by members of Grenon's family.

Why We Fight

I've often asked myself why we are here. Why my government actually agreed to send troops to this God-forsaken place. There are no natural resources. No oil, gold, or silver. Just people.
People who have been at war for the last 40 plus years. People who want nothing more than their children to be safe. People who will do anything for money; even give their own life.
I look into the eyes of these people. I see hate, destruction and depression. I see love, warmth, kindness and appreciation.
Why do we fight? For in this country, there are monsters. Monsters we could easily fight on a different battlefield, at a different time. Monsters that could easily take the fight to us.
Surrounding these mud walls and huts is a country in turmoil. A country that is unable to rebuild itself. A country that cannot guarantee a bright future for its youth.
Why do we fight? Because, if we don't fight today, on THIS battlefield, then our children will be forced to face these monsters on our own battlefield.
I fight because I'm a soldier.
I fight because I'm ordered.
I fight, so my children won't have to.

Please continue to support our troups with your thoughts and prayers...


Christy said...

Thanks for that Aunt Chris....the more we can remind Canada to pray for our troops the better....

Nancy said...

Thank you sooo much Chris...I so often hear from people who know that my son is there...we need to pull them out, we have lost too many. While the latter of that last sentence is so very true, I cannot imagine the pain that these families go through when they get the news that you dread every day when your son is away. I have lived that now since February. But those soldiers believe in what they are doing, they believe that they ARE making a difference, and if pull our soldiers out what will become of that country again......thank you I love you sis Nanc