Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Bring on 2009!

This is my last post for 2008, wow where has the year gone? It was only a year ago that I started this blog with the new addition of high speed into our house. For obvious reasons I love high speed, the swiftness and it has made so many more things obtainable.
I typically don't make new years resolutions but this year I thought I would make a small one which hopefully would make a big difference in the lives of those I love around me.
My resolution will be to appreciate those around me more. To acknowledge the little things that they do to help me out. To let them know how much I do appreciate what they do and to thank them more for it.
Life can get so crazy busy and I know that I tend to focus on the things that I have to get done without even thinking of the little things that those around me do to help me along the way.
So to my kids, my hubby, my friends and family around me - Thank you for all you do. I appreciate your help and your support, your love and your friendship. I hope in doing this I will become a better person, better wife, better mom and better friend.
I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year's celebration. We are celebrating a quiet one, with James and Britt both away, just Casi and Dave at home with me. We have rented movies and made some goodies for the evening.
Here's wishing much love and happiness to everyone for 2009!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

::The Reason for the Season::

It is my sincere hope that amidst all the bustle as the shopping hours come to a close and all the preparations are finished that we all remember why we celebrate Christmas.
Not for Santa Claus or for retailers. Not to have that "perfect" gift wrapped under the tree.
Let's keep Christ in Christmas and remember that Christmas is about a saviour being born to save our world, the best gift we could ever possibly receive.
Lets make time for family and sharing time and making memories. We are having a yummy veggie lasanga for supper, then attending Christmas eve service to sing carols and having a mini gift exchange later on tonight. Tomorrow we always get woken up early by the kids and have our family gift exchange then. Later in the day we plan on getting together with family for a "newfie" Christmas dinner...have no idea of what that all entails but am told it is fabulous! Looking forward to everything the holiday brings!
I truly hope that the holiday season is a magical one for all of you and your family.
Merry Christmas Everyone!

Christmas puppies

As mentioned earlier...Casi had some ideas of cool Christmas shots for the dogs. Sunday afternoon I got busy grooming and brushing and we did a photo shoot of the dogs. I had full intentions of doing ALL the dogs but as usual I had too much on my schedule for the time alotted. So...some of the dogs were done but all of them. Perhaps after Christmas I will get at the others and then will have updated pics of them all!

Firstly, we have Cruiser, sporting his first top knot...
Such a spunky little fella, looks alot like his papa but in a more refined version.

Sienna and Casi...

Princess Autumn...

Miss Sadie...

Miss Ava, also wearing her first top knot...

Lastly, we can't forget grooming required!

In case you are wondering, yes - the dogs all have their own stockings! Have a Woof woof holiday!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The next canine Mozart! is the next Mozart! Ahhh well maybe not but it is a pretty cute shot! Casi was playing a few weeks ago and had Cruiser on her lap. He crawled up on the keys and layed down for a pose!

Ever the fiesty boy that he is...nothing phases him. He is always ready for a cuddles and gives lots of kisses.

Casi has some great ideas for puppy photos with the Christmas theme! Come on back for some really cute shots in the days to come!

Makin Gingerbread Men...

A few weeks ago, Brittany and I made gingerbread men from scratch. We had soooo much dough but it made tonnes of cookies! We had alot of fun making different "men and ladies"!

Britt hard at work!
Some of our finished cookies!
I had wanted to make the dough again and make a complete gingerbread house but alas time does not seem to be on my side! Guess we will have to settle for the cookies alone for the holiday season!

Ty graduates Puppy Obedience!

It has been a fun last few weeks! We enrolled Ty (and Brittany) in puppy obedience to teach him some house manners and also to teach Brittany how the proper way to do it! I have to say that I really enjoyed the classes too and the instructor was really good at offering little tid bits of useful information for new puppy owners. I even learned a thing or two!
Tonight was graduation. I am pleased to say that Ty learned alot of really useful manners and we learned how to get him there. He did pretty good, his attention span is still really short and he is still easily distracted but he is a JACK and he is only 6 months old!
Here they are on recall. I think this is Ty's favourite command, it involves running and a treat at the end...his best reward! I love his happy sprint.

Working on sit and watch me.

Brittany and Ty were voted "most improved handler and dog" by the others in the class. I too agree that they have come a long way and even though Ty can be a handful still, he is much better than he was a few short weeks ago.

Watching the other dogs do their recall...

The official graduation photo! Ty was not so much appreciative of the graduation cap but it made for a cute photo op!

We had plans to enroll Ty into fungility in January but Esther the instructor thinks that he needs more obedience before he can understand what agility is.

At any rate this is a great way to have Brittany and Ty bond and also give her the tools to be responsible for her dog.

Over the Rainbow Bridge...

A little over a week ago my sister told me great news of her newest litter being born. 2 boys, born full term to her Skye and a wonderful boy with great lineage. She had a lot of hopes and dreams for this litter tying in with bloodlines highly sought after in her breed.
Later last week I called her and found out that she had been tube feeding one of the boys every 2 hours since he was about 12 hrs old. In several more conversations with her, I found out that his journey was a roller coaster ride..filled with highs and lows in his physical state. Several times she thought he was going downhill fast and then other times cautiously optimistic.
Sadly she lost him early yesterday morning. He crossed over the rainbow bridge at 9 days old.
Her agonizing pain clearly evident over the phone. I felt so helpless not to be able to do anything but send a hug via the phone lines. How the miles really suck at times like this.
I can clearly relate...going through the same thing about a year ago. Tube feeding a little boy for over 4 weeks every 3 hrs. He made to the point of being able to lick up pablum on his own. I was ever so intent on listening for crackels in his chest and the first hint of them, he was in to the vet. He had developed asperational pneumonia, where fluid drains into their lungs. He was on antibiotics for about 24 hrs when I found that he had died curled up against his mama.
That was a cruel blow, one that took a long time to get over. Clearly exhausted and completely drained I wanted to pack it in and never have another litter of puppies again.
However, that being emotions talking, after some time I really could not see myself never having babies again.
Like I told my sister yesterday when it is good, it is so good and when it is bad, it is devastating. Having puppies is like no other feeling in the world and when they are healthy and thrive it is the greatest high. However when they need help or are sick and you put your heart and soul into saving a wee life that is mere ounces it is gut wrenching to go through.
I am so sorry Nanc, I cannot say it enough. I wish that I could have helped you with this little one and I wish so much that I could hug you.
I can say that time does heal and you know you did everything you could to save this wee life and it was just not meant to be.
I came across a poem a while ago and it really does articulate the true meaning of being a breeder, not just a breeder but a good breeder. There are breeders out there that are trying to make a fast buck by putting whatever 2 dogs together and by definition having a litter of puppies makes them a breeder but not a good or a GREAT breeder.

Nanc, this ones for you....
"What is a Breeder?"

A Breeder (with a Capital "B") is one who thirsts for knowledge & never really knows it all, one who wrestles with decisions of conscience, convince, and commitment.

A Breeder is one who sacrifices personal interests, finances, time, fancy furniture, and deep pile carpeting! She gives up the dream of long luxurious cruises in favor of turning that all important show into this years "vacation"

The Breeder goes without sleep (but never without coffee/cola!) In hours spent planning a breeding or watching anxiously over the birth process, and afterwards, over every little sneeze, wiggle or cry.

The Breeder skips dinner parties because that litter is due or the babies have to be fed at eight. She disregards birth fluids and puts mouth to mouth to save a gasping newborn, literally blowing life into a tiny, helpless creature that may be the culmination of a lifetime of dreams.

A Breeder's lap is a marvelous place where generations of proud and noble champions once snoozed.

A Breeders hands are strong and firm and often soiled, but ever so gentle and sensitive to the thrusts of a puppy's wet nose.

A Breeders back and knees are usually arthritic from stooping, bending, and sitting in the birthing box, but are strong enough to enable the breeder to show the next choice pup to a championship.

A Breeders shoulders are stooped and often heaped with abuse from competitors, but they're wide enough to support the weight of a thousand defeats and frustrations.

A Breeders arms are always able to wield a mop, support an arm full of puppies, lend a helping hand to a newcomer.

A Breeders ears are wondrous things, sometimes red (From being talked about) or strangely shaped (From being pressed against a phone receiver), Often deaf to criticism, yet always fine-tuned to the whimper of a sick puppy.

A Breeders eyes are blurred from pedigree research and sometimes blind to her own dog's faults, but they are ever so keen to competition's faults and are always searching for the perfect specimen.

A Breeders brain is foggy on faces, but it can recall pedigrees faster than an IBM Computer. It's so full of knowledge that sometimes it blows a fuse; It catalogues thousands of good boning, fine ears, and perfect heads.......And buries it in the soul, the failures and the ones that didn't turn out.

The Breeders heart is often broken, but it beats strongly with hope everlasting........And it's always in the right place!


Author Unknown

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Tree is Up!!

It is certainly looking like Christmas around here! I love this time of year! I love the smells of the baked goodies coming out of the oven! I love the Christmas carols, especially the old favourites - not so much the Santa Claus ones but my favourites are "Oh Holy Night" and "Silent Night". These one really get my emotions stirring, the signify Christmas for me. I love the decorations and the feel the kids excitment mounting! Not so much anymore as they are getting older but they still look forward to it. We did get our tree up last week. It was one of the only nights we were all home and not scattered about. I let the kids decorate the tree however they want and they usually do a pretty good job.

Over the years I have tried to make it a tradition that we all participate in decorating. Something that they can look back on and remember doing and perhaps one day do it with their family. Not just...they come home from school and its there all done.
This is also the time of year that I bring out my special yorkie decorations. I do have several yorkie ornaments that I cherish. Now the kids will say that I am obsessive when it comes to collecting yorkies but hey they are what I love. Some people collect elephants, clowns or angels...I collect yorkie paraphenalia. I have gotten my collection over the years and love to find really nice pieces in the store or sometimes on ebay.
There are pieces out there that are not so nice and I stay away from those but a really really nice piece I just love to acquire!

Here are a couple of my yorkie ornaments!

I was in Walmart a couple of week ago and was so thrilled to come across these yorkie stocking holders! It was such a cool find!

So yes it is looking yorkie and festive around here! I hope the holidays are a time for family and a time for joy and happiness. I really hate that Christmas has become all about gifts and Santa Claus. To me, it should be about family and making memories that last a lifetime, because really who remembers what they received last Christmas if it even lasted that long. I hope everyone has a joyous holiday season with their family and loved ones!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

V finds a home!

Well our little princess has a home! After some mediocre interest within the miniature horse circles I posted an ad on Kijiji.
Well I had an overwhelming response and got over 30 inquiries in just 24 hrs!!

After sifting through all the potential homes for her I found the perfect one!
So I will be delivering her to the Belleville area next week. I am happy that this couple who is retired and has a hobby farm will have lots of time for her and other little animals for company.
V has been hanging out in the barn with a ewe and a lamb at her side so it will be nice for her to have company of her own kind!

These pics were taken yesterday in the freezing cold and snow! She is such a little gund baby, you could just squish her! I am so happy she will have a good home!

Brittany in a "Christmas Story"

Last week we had the pleasure of attending the play put on by Brittany's school. It was a Christmas know the one with Ebeneizer Scrooge and the 3 ghosts of Christmas past/present and future.
Brittany actually had a solo singing part, she played Martha Crachit. I was amazed and impressed on how well she did!

Brittany has sung in school plays and church choirs before but never as a solo! So it was really nice to hear her voice! She wouldn't even give me a teaser before hand so I got to hear it first hand with everyone else at the grand performance.

I did get alot of other pictures but for some reason they were all blurry or dark and even after I changed the settings.... so these are the best of what I got!

So congratulations Brittany for a job well done and for being brave enough to stand up in front of all those people and singing! So proud of you!

The "New" View

So now that Dave has been laid off, he has a bit of time to catch up on some of his "hunny do list'. At the top of this list is installing our new windows that were ordered and have been in for weeks! He managed to get some of them in last week, 5 in total actually. He only has 11 more to go! Not that many.... right Dave???
So he put in the windows of the kitchen/our room and bathroom. I have to say it looks amazing! Allbeit they are not trimmed on the inside or capped on the outside yet but they look fabulous! I can't wait to see how they transform the look of the house on the outside and not to mention that it will be so much warmer without all the drafts!

And yes...its snowing again outside...perfect day to be inside blogging!

Will post more pics as he gets them in....patience is a virtue I am not that great at!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008 make me cry!

Yesterday I received a "you got a parcel" postcard in the mail. I was kind of perplexed because I hadn't ordered anything? In the past I have been a BIG fan of ebay but I hadn't ordered anything recently. So anyway I'm standing at the counter waiting after the lady found my parcel and I see "Bradford Exchange" as the sender. Now I am really confused cause I KNOW that I didn't order anything from there! So I head back to the van and of course the curiousity is killing me. I open the box and what I find inside is this:

I'm sure my jaw hit the floor of the van. This beautiful little yorkie! So then I go for the envelope as now I am more confused than ever! I read the invoice and find out that this gorgeous little one is from my sister! What a wonderful thoughtful gift! I know I started to tear up! I love the holiday season but alot of times I feel sadness for Christmas's past and all the family memories. Yesterday I was feeling a little nostalgic of the past and this gift definitely brought a smile to my face! Oh Nanc how I wish I could give you a hug and thank you! Times like this the miles really suck!
So I sat in my van and tried to give my sis a call but there was no answer. Trying again today but if you read this in the meantime Nanc....THANK YOU -THANK YOU -THANK YOU!
You have really spoiled me this year, with the gorgeous yorkie pin for my birthday and now this absolutely gorgeous yorkie figurine!
Guess I better get in gear looking at papillon stuff as you have got the jump on me! Thank you again! You are one special sister and even though you are a bizillion miles away I love you! XOXOXO

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Late Fall Update...

Yes, I'm still alive and kicking! As usual been really busy with the normal routine of things around here. Basically nothing exciting just the usual stuff but LOTS of it!
Thought I would just do a post with the stuff that has been going on around here to catch everyone up...if you're interested!
November was a hectic month, as usual I pulled my normal shifts but grabbed whatever extra I could to make up the difference with Christmas shopping ahead. That keeps me hopping while trying to an entire's day's work in the morning and then going off to work for evening shift and doing another day's work there. I am down to 2 puppies, Cruiser and Ava who are doing extremely well. I am very pleased with both puppies and fully expect they will acheive their championships. Training is coming along well and they rarely miss in the house. If they do I have my handy "pee pad" at their door. I am finding Ava especially will ask to go out which is awsome for a 4 month old baby!
Brittany's Ty is doing well. He is excellent in the house and will basically go outside on command which also is awsome! She loves her baby! We have started obedience classes with him and he is doing great! He is extremely smart, however his attention spam is about all of 2 seconds but at least he learns really quickly! Already in 2 classes we have learned sit/down/stand/leave it/watch me and an exercise in which gets them used to touching their ears, eyes, teeth, paws etc. It is done is such a way that bonds the owner with the dog and also teaches them who really is in command...and no its NOT the dog! Brittany is a great dog owner and fully accepts the training and works with him at home too. The only downside at this point is that Ty is going through a normal suspicious phase...where anything and everything is strange and he will bark and growl. This is a normal phase for puppies but I think it is exemplified with this breed. For example I re-arranged the livingroom a few weeks back and he growls at everything that was out of place! We are working on this!
The mighty moose hunters came back after a week away. They didn't see or get anything this year. No biggie as sometimes too much wild meat does me in. They had fun however hanging out with Uncle Tim and Auntie Evelyn. Casi dragged Evelyn to the malls up there to do some early Christmas shopping...sorry Evelyn...I know how you really dislike shopping! Casi on the other hand LOVES it! It was nice for them to have that week and also nice for Brittany and I to have girl time too! We went bowling one night and went out for dinner. We did a shopping day and then we made gingerbread men and watched movies. I very much enjoyed that time with my girlie!
Casi got hired on at Canadian Tire! She was originally hired a month or so ago but wasn't quite old enough. They hired her and said it was ok and then ended up calling back and saying no they weren't allowed. She was really bummed but I said once her birthday comes to call them back and hope that they still have an opening for her. It turns out they called her 2 days before her birthday! So obviously they really liked something about her to remember and call her back! She has just finished her training on cash and has some shifts booked this month all on her own! Hopefully those holiday shoppers will not be too grueling on her.
James, still at McDonalds. I am happy that he realizes this is not a life long career and he has goals besides.
All 3 kids got their reports cards a few weeks back. James as usual struggles or not maybe so much struggles but doesn't take school seriously and just squeeks in with a pass. We have had many a LONG talks with him and really he is at the age where he needs to decide whether it is important enough for him to try. I am still hopeful that some day this will happen! could happen! He does have the smarts...just chooses not to use them...why are boys like that? Someone tell me please? Both girls are doing awsome and pulling over 80% averages. No worries there.
The farm is still clicking along. We didn't get our fall lamb crop this year. Apparently our ram was sterile or became that way. So we will try next year. We are feeding them outside this winter to decrease the work load. The mini's are about the same. My little colt Echo has gone to his new home and they are thrilled with him. I still have little Vision but maybe have some nibbles on her.
Dave has been laid off for the winter. Not great but at least it is not night wonderful it is to have my days to do things again!
Things are gearing up around here for Christmas. We decorated last week and just last night put up our tree. We made it a family thing and everyone helped. How proud I was this year as James helped....he hasn't for many years (not going to get into that story). So it was a nice evening. We played Christmas carols and just enjoyed working together. It seems our time as a family of 5 is very limited with 4 of us working different shifts and evenings. So the time that we do get, I cherish.
So there you have...all caught up for now, but quite likely not for long!