Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Back in School!!!

Wow!!! Where did summer go??? All of a sudden the kids are back in school! Only the 2nd day in and I'm finding the house is eerily quiet. The past few years I have not had the occasion to say "oh I can wait until the kids go back to school". There seems to be always something going on or something to be done and it is always appreciated when they help (willingly or otherwise bribed!) I would have liked to do more things with them but it was a hectic one and we did what we could when we could do it!
This year we have 2 in high school with James entering his gr. 11th year and Cass into gr. 9. Britt is our last in public school just starting gr. 7.
Should be an interesting year as they join different activities and sports and hopefully get a bit of learning in as well! Good luck this year guys!

1 comment:

Christy said...

I agree! Where DID summer go......sigh.