Wednesday, December 24, 2008

::The Reason for the Season::

It is my sincere hope that amidst all the bustle as the shopping hours come to a close and all the preparations are finished that we all remember why we celebrate Christmas.
Not for Santa Claus or for retailers. Not to have that "perfect" gift wrapped under the tree.
Let's keep Christ in Christmas and remember that Christmas is about a saviour being born to save our world, the best gift we could ever possibly receive.
Lets make time for family and sharing time and making memories. We are having a yummy veggie lasanga for supper, then attending Christmas eve service to sing carols and having a mini gift exchange later on tonight. Tomorrow we always get woken up early by the kids and have our family gift exchange then. Later in the day we plan on getting together with family for a "newfie" Christmas dinner...have no idea of what that all entails but am told it is fabulous! Looking forward to everything the holiday brings!
I truly hope that the holiday season is a magical one for all of you and your family.
Merry Christmas Everyone!

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