Yes, I'm still alive and kicking! As usual been really busy with the normal routine of things around here. Basically nothing exciting just the usual stuff but LOTS of it!
Thought I would just do a post with the stuff that has been going on around here to catch everyone up...if you're interested!
November was a hectic month, as usual I pulled my normal shifts but grabbed whatever extra I could to make up the difference with Christmas shopping ahead. That keeps me hopping while trying to an entire's day's work in the morning and then going off to work for evening shift and doing another day's work there. I am down to 2 puppies, Cruiser and Ava who are doing extremely well. I am very pleased with both puppies and fully expect they will acheive their championships. Training is coming along well and they rarely miss in the house. If they do I have my handy "pee pad" at their door. I am finding Ava especially will ask to go out which is awsome for a 4 month old baby!
Brittany's Ty is doing well. He is excellent in the house and will basically go outside on command which also is awsome! She loves her baby! We have started obedience classes with him and he is doing great! He is extremely smart, however his attention spam is about all of 2 seconds but at least he learns really quickly! Already in 2 classes we have learned sit/down/stand/leave it/watch me and an exercise in which gets them used to touching their ears, eyes, teeth, paws etc. It is done is such a way that bonds the owner with the dog and also teaches them who really is in command...and no its NOT the dog! Brittany is a great dog owner and fully accepts the training and works with him at home too. The only downside at this point is that Ty is going through a normal suspicious phase...where anything and everything is strange and he will bark and growl. This is a normal phase for puppies but I think it is exemplified with this breed. For example I re-arranged the livingroom a few weeks back and he growls at everything that was out of place! We are working on this!
The mighty moose hunters came back after a week away. They didn't see or get anything this year. No biggie as sometimes too much wild meat does me in. They had fun however hanging out with Uncle Tim and Auntie Evelyn. Casi dragged Evelyn to the malls up there to do some early Christmas shopping...sorry Evelyn...I know how you really dislike shopping! Casi on the other hand LOVES it! It was nice for them to have that week and also nice for Brittany and I to have girl time too! We went bowling one night and went out for dinner. We did a shopping day and then we made gingerbread men and watched movies. I very much enjoyed that time with my girlie!
Casi got hired on at Canadian Tire! She was originally hired a month or so ago but wasn't quite old enough. They hired her and said it was ok and then ended up calling back and saying no they weren't allowed. She was really bummed but I said once her birthday comes to call them back and hope that they still have an opening for her. It turns out they called her 2 days before her birthday! So obviously they really liked something about her to remember and call her back! She has just finished her training on cash and has some shifts booked this month all on her own! Hopefully those holiday shoppers will not be too grueling on her.
James, still at McDonalds. I am happy that he realizes this is not a life long career and he has goals besides.
All 3 kids got their reports cards a few weeks back. James as usual struggles or not maybe so much struggles but doesn't take school seriously and just squeeks in with a pass. We have had many a LONG talks with him and really he is at the age where he needs to decide whether it is important enough for him to try. I am still hopeful that some day this will happen! could happen! He does have the smarts...just chooses not to use them...why are boys like that? Someone tell me please? Both girls are doing awsome and pulling over 80% averages. No worries there.
The farm is still clicking along. We didn't get our fall lamb crop this year. Apparently our ram was sterile or became that way. So we will try next year. We are feeding them outside this winter to decrease the work load. The mini's are about the same. My little colt Echo has gone to his new home and they are thrilled with him. I still have little Vision but maybe have some nibbles on her.
Dave has been laid off for the winter. Not great but at least it is not night wonderful it is to have my days to do things again!
Things are gearing up around here for Christmas. We decorated last week and just last night put up our tree. We made it a family thing and everyone helped. How proud I was this year as James helped....he hasn't for many years (not going to get into that story). So it was a nice evening. We played Christmas carols and just enjoyed working together. It seems our time as a family of 5 is very limited with 4 of us working different shifts and evenings. So the time that we do get, I cherish.
So there you have...all caught up for now, but quite likely not for long!
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