Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Brittany in a "Christmas Story"

Last week we had the pleasure of attending the play put on by Brittany's school. It was a Christmas story...you know the one with Ebeneizer Scrooge and the 3 ghosts of Christmas past/present and future.
Brittany actually had a solo singing part, she played Martha Crachit. I was amazed and impressed on how well she did!

Brittany has sung in school plays and church choirs before but never as a solo! So it was really nice to hear her voice! She wouldn't even give me a teaser before hand so I got to hear it first hand with everyone else at the grand performance.

I did get alot of other pictures but for some reason they were all blurry or dark and even after I changed the settings.... so these are the best of what I got!

So congratulations Brittany for a job well done and for being brave enough to stand up in front of all those people and singing! So proud of you!

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