Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Turkey Day!!! We celebrated the day yesterday with our family and friends. We had way too much delicious food and left feeling stuffed!!! What was better was that the kids offered to make dinner! That was a treat for me! I sat back and did my facebook stuff while they prepared and cooked! The food ended up being scrumptious and the kids really did a great job! I am thankful for all that I have. I have a great family and healthy children (even if they try to push my buttons most of the time!) We have a lovely farm and a great place to raise our kids. I am thankful that I can have my yorkies and thoroughly enjoy the breeding and puppy rearing aspect. I am thankful for a loving husband who works hard for his family. Finally lots of great friends that we know are there for us. All in all its a great way of life and we really shouldn't think about what we are thankful for just one day of the year!
Here is James with his turkey. All 18 lbs of it!

Dave and James having a gravy lesson!

The table is set...lots of food!!!

Brittany preparing the cheesecake!!

Here is the finished product!

And finally....Casi with her pumpkin pie!

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