Thursday, October 2, 2008

Blog make over

You can't help but notice the new look of my blog...while surfing around last night I was on some blogs that had fabulous backgrounds! So I thought I would check it out!
After alot of looking around I found this background that I think is pretty cool and tried to upload to my blog...didn't work, I tried again....again, didn't work. By this time it was after midnight so I gave up and went back at it again this morning. Finally I went into something different and it worked! Then, all the colours of the fonts had to be changed. I'm working on this right now and really I don't have time as my kitchen is a disaster! The puppies have just finished their play and there is toys and paper strewn all over. The garbage needs to go out and the sheep need to be let out and I need to hop in the shower. All this and I have a lady coming later this morning to look at the puppies! How quickly this screen and keyboard can become addicting! However...I am letting my creative juices flow and I think after all it looks not bad...let me know what ya think? Gotta Run!!!
There is a little pop down in the top left hand corner which is where I found the link to the site. Pretty cool huh??

1 comment:

Shawna said...

I LOVE your new look! Isn't it tough when life doesn't allow you to play and snoop on blogs all day ;)