Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Deck - Decorated!

I've been busy trying to 'dress' up our new space outside on the deck. Last week I found this "conversation set" (whatever that means??) on sale at CT. It was $100 off the original price. Actually this time of year has been great for finding deals on outdoor patio stuff!
Anyway....we put up the set, this is where our patio table used to sit. We have found a new spot for that....

I loved these windchimes...which were also on sale...

This is where our patio table sits now!! I am most excited about this change to our deck. A week or so ago I went to Zellers and they had 1 sunshade left, this 10x12. I ended up getting $150 off this baby along with the mosquito netting for $50 off! I felt proud of myself. I love this new area. We have sat outside at night and lit the candles and it is so relaxing just to hear the quiet of the evening with maybe the odd bullfrog. It is the perfect ending to some very busy days we've been having!

In the daytime too, it is nice to sit and watch the dogs play which for me are better entertainment than any ol TV show. Or in the morning having our coffee for a snippit of quiet before the day begins.

I think for now the deck is about perfect! Not too cluttered and just right! We still have to bring some electricity to it and a water tap. However it is looking like these might be next years 'To Do List'..we'll see. Along with the lattice on the bottom and pool deck.
It was definitely worth the 2 years wait (although i didn't agree at the time!) I love the new space, especially where the sunshade is.

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