Monday, April 27, 2009

Autumn at our local dog show...

This past weekend we competed in our local club's dog show! I attempted to show Autumn myself! I havn't actually showed "myself" for almost 2 years! As its worked out, I didn't have anything to show and then when Autumn became old enough, my commitments at work took priority so I've had my handler show her.
She is sitting at 5 points and I thought maybe I could have put a point or 2 on her.......
This was not the case. I am disapointed but I think "we" did well...
Here is my pretty girl before the show...oh how I love this little girl!!!!

This is Casi's ribbon, she had taken her in the sanction match the evening before. Sanction match is like a "mock show" like a real show but just for practice. Casi ended up going Group 1 and then going in Best in Show!!! Too bad that wasn't in the real show!!!

Here is our first go around...I thought Autumn moved the best for me this day.

The judge going over Autumn...

Here is the group going for Winners Female...Autumn took reserve (2nd) this day.

Saturday, Casi showed Autumn and I have to say both my girls looked great! I had several comments from fellow show people how professional Casi looked and what a great job she did! Very proud of my girls!!!
Saturday there was no ribbon for us and Sunday, out a class of 5 females Autumn took reserve i guess 2nd isn't so bad, unfortunately, no points for 2nd....
We fell in love with this wee Chihuahua! Normally, not a chihuahua person but this little spit fire of a boy wowed us from ringside. He was all of 2.5 lbs but wow...did he have a BIG personality! He ended up taking group winnings and got best puppy in group too. He looked like a live squeeky toy!

All in all was a good show, no points but I did take the plunge and showed for myself and after such a long absense...was good for me! Casi proved that she could handle the points ring and her and Brittany competed in Junior Handling. Out of a class of 6, Brittany took 2nd and Casi took 3rd, so again really well done and really proud of all my girls!
Planning our next show, whether it be me showing or having my handler depends on what weekend and if I'm working! Stay tuned!

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