Friday, May 16, 2008

Bottle Babies...

For almost a week now we've had some extra mouths to feed..... We been "lambing" so to speak out of season. As it is not possible that our ram sired these new babies, the closest we can guess is that the young rams were getting a bit "frisky" before we sold them in the winter. We had now had 9 ewes in total that have lambed. These girls should not have been having their babies until the fall but now they are here we are just having to deal with it!! Due to unfortunate circumstances we have a little orphan female who lost her mom, and we also have a set of twins whose mom does not have enough milk for 2 babies. So we've been bottle feeding every 3-4 hours each day! We've named them Lola, Luke and Rosie. So far they are doing really well. Rosie and Luke are still getting some milk from their mom but Lola is totally bottle feeding. Here are their bottles ready to, it is not Vanilla Mudshake...I enjoyed them earlier this month!

Here is Luke looking at me while Rosie sneaks a suck!! We have been told that bottle babies do not do as well but so far so good!

Here comes Lola ready to eat!!!

1 comment:

Shawna said...

adorable - makes me want to raise little ones myself! I love spring!