Friday, April 9, 2010

The Goats are arriving!!!


I vividly recall a year ago how excited we were researching and putting ourselves on a couple of waiting lists, checking websites and selecting kids that would hopefully one day be ours. Well this year we are doing all that in addition to having our very own kids! This past week has been a busy one with several new additions to our little goat family!
Peanut (shown above) was born April 1, a full week sooner than I had calculated. She is tiny but she makes up for it in spunk!






We still have 3 mama's left to kid! We are pretty excited about the wee ones we do have! In turn we are hoping for the addition of a few more new babies this year as well from other farms. These guys are amazingly cool (never thought I would be so excited about goats) and what is even cooler is the way Dave and I are pouring over pictures and talking about who we like and where we'd like to take this venture!
I already have a small waiting list for kids and once all are born we will decide on who we are retaining and who will move on to start someone else's venture!
I love spring with the birth of New Life!!
Will keep you posted on the arrival of the remaining kids!

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