Saturday, December 19, 2009

Just to remember...

As much as I try to make my blog interesting, I also want it to be a journal of sorts to look back on someday and remember events or even just little trivial stuff that I chose to write about.
This post is about a situation that brought goosebumps all over and tears to my eyes and it is something that I want to remember when I think my life is so hard done by.....
Back in the summer we learned that my cousins's son and his girlfriend were expecting twins. Normally very joyous news. However upon further testing of the mom, it was discovered that she had a brain tumour. She chose to give her babies life and postpone any treatment so her tiny twins could reach a viable age outside the womb.
I just learned last week that the babies were delivered back in late September. I am not sure how far along they were but they were delivered by c/section and both babies had died in the womb. In further inspection of the mom's uterus it was determined that the cancer had spread from her brain and was in her uterus and not sure where else....
As far as I know now the doctors have not done any treatment thus the cancer is too far gone.
This young mom was only in her early 20's, a full life ahead or her. She chose to give her babies life and it may have cost her her own life and the babies didn't survive anyway.
How completely selfless and admirable is this young woman, I have never met her but her courage has touched me.
Please think about this young woman and pray for her and her family who must be going through the worst tragedy of their lives especially this holiday season. Also my cousin, and her son who lost 2 grandchildren and 2 children without even knowing them.
There are days when teenagerhood overwhelms me and I think about pulling my hair out but when you hear a story like this, it makes me appreciate my kids, all 3 of them and their teenagerhood as I couldn't imagine life without them.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Wow. How heartbreaking, thanks for the update. I'll certainly be praying for them.