Saturday, December 19, 2009

Quickly addicted.....

Yes its shameful I know....

The past week I've been a little under the weather so what better time than to pick up a good book. As much as I love to read, I don't usually allow myself the time and everything I had in the house I had read before.....with the exception of Casi's Twilight Collection of books.
So I started with book 1...Twilight. I have seen the movie so had a good scope of what the book was about and knew what was coming. However the book has so much more detail than the movie and I found myself learning things about these characters that wasn't even touched in the movie!
Alas I finished book 1 and am eager for some quiet time to start book 2. I can see why when Casi first got these books that I caught her up well past midnight reading...they are so hard to put down!
These books are definitely worth the read and all the raves everyone talks about....even if we are not all Teens!!!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Aha! Another convert.....glad you are liking them and hope you feel better.