Monday, July 7, 2008

Baby update!

My ladies here are definitely starting to show classic signs of being pregnant! They are more tired and are sleeping more. One of them even had a "morning sickness" episode yesterday. Yep..... dogs get morning sickness too! Sienna has been oh so sucky, which is not usually like her. She is a sweet girl but extremely independant so for her to come and seek out a belly rub is not like her at all.

The puppies should be about the size of a grape at this point. Sienna is a week behind Sadie, so hers are a tad smaller. Their gestation is only 9 lucky are they huh!! This week puts Sadie at 4 weeks and Sienna at 3 weeks along. So they are approaching their half way point.

I don't see any belly thickening yet...that is likely to start to happen in a couple of weeks just after they hit their half way mark, we see some changes in their belly size. Keep your fingers crossed for healthy puppies and a safe (non-vet preferred) delivery!! Will keep you posted!!!

1 comment:

Christy said...

I'd take nine weeks over nine months any day! Lucky doggies........