Friday, February 15, 2008

Thoughts for the day...

Just wanted to share my rants for the day. Buses were cancelled again this morning so again no school for the kids. This to my recollection is the 12th day that the kids have not been in school since starting back after Christmas break. That is over 2 weeks they have been home. Reports cards are coming out in 2 weeks and I am wondering what the heck the teachers will be using for reporting their grades? I have heard talk although unsure if it is true or not about the kids loosing their march break or even have the school year extended into the summer. At any rate I must share that some of the "snow days" were actually very nice days and the kids could have gone to school. I could take them in but with their school being all bused they would just play games anyway. It hasn't helped that the muni workers in our region are out on strike so our plows have not been out on the road. We have had so many snow storms after another, it seems we just dig ourselves out and we get another but I do strongly think that plowing the road should be an essential service. I drove home from work Sunday night with visability that was almost nill and hitting snow drifts that were 3 and 4 feet high. I would not have made it home except Dave had taken over an hour to dig me a path on the road with the skid steer and even then it was touch and go. Normally my drive home is not an issue as I only work 5 minutes from home but on this night it took me over 45 minutes. By morning our roads were unpassable. Great...everyone gets a day off but my question is "what would have happened if someone needed emergency medical attention?" an ambulance would not have made it through or "what if our house or barn had caught on fire?". We would helplessly watch because a firetruck would not have made it through either. So CUPE workers of Kawartha Lakes...stay on strike for as long as you want, hope the strike pay is good to ya, just someone make road clearing an essential service so that we all stay safe.

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