Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Yes I am late on this one!
Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and hopefully all enjoyed a wonderful day with family or friends.

We had our Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve day...only because I was working Christmas Day, Boxing Day and the 27th.
Our only opportunity was then and after a family vote, we went with a not so traditional dinner as well. Given the options of turkey or ham, the fam decided they wanted BBQ steak. So thats what we had! We had the usual trimmings of mashed potatoes and vegetables, James made a potato salad and had a yummy blueberry cheesecake and I bought a key lime pie...(which no one even got into as we were so stuffed!!!)
After dinner we went to the Christmas Eve service at church and just enjoyed the carols. There is nothing that brings tears to my eyes faster than Silent Night. I love all the Christmas carols but that one brings my mom's memory to light faster than anything and I usually cannot finish singing the song before I am choked up.
Christmas is a wonderful time full blessings but it does make one look back and remember Christmas' past.
After the service we came home and let the kids open one gift, a tradition going back as long as I can remember having the kids. Off to bed later and Christmas morning we all enjoyed each others company, opened gifts, I made cinnamon buns and just relaxed.
I stayed in my jammies until 130 when I had to get ready for work.
So that was our low key Christmas, (just the way I like it) I hope yours was just as great!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Just to remember...

As much as I try to make my blog interesting, I also want it to be a journal of sorts to look back on someday and remember events or even just little trivial stuff that I chose to write about.
This post is about a situation that brought goosebumps all over and tears to my eyes and it is something that I want to remember when I think my life is so hard done by.....
Back in the summer we learned that my cousins's son and his girlfriend were expecting twins. Normally very joyous news. However upon further testing of the mom, it was discovered that she had a brain tumour. She chose to give her babies life and postpone any treatment so her tiny twins could reach a viable age outside the womb.
I just learned last week that the babies were delivered back in late September. I am not sure how far along they were but they were delivered by c/section and both babies had died in the womb. In further inspection of the mom's uterus it was determined that the cancer had spread from her brain and was in her uterus and not sure where else....
As far as I know now the doctors have not done any treatment thus the cancer is too far gone.
This young mom was only in her early 20's, a full life ahead or her. She chose to give her babies life and it may have cost her her own life and the babies didn't survive anyway.
How completely selfless and admirable is this young woman, I have never met her but her courage has touched me.
Please think about this young woman and pray for her and her family who must be going through the worst tragedy of their lives especially this holiday season. Also my cousin, and her son who lost 2 grandchildren and 2 children without even knowing them.
There are days when teenagerhood overwhelms me and I think about pulling my hair out but when you hear a story like this, it makes me appreciate my kids, all 3 of them and their teenagerhood as I couldn't imagine life without them.

Quickly addicted.....

Yes its shameful I know....

The past week I've been a little under the weather so what better time than to pick up a good book. As much as I love to read, I don't usually allow myself the time and everything I had in the house I had read before.....with the exception of Casi's Twilight Collection of books.
So I started with book 1...Twilight. I have seen the movie so had a good scope of what the book was about and knew what was coming. However the book has so much more detail than the movie and I found myself learning things about these characters that wasn't even touched in the movie!
Alas I finished book 1 and am eager for some quiet time to start book 2. I can see why when Casi first got these books that I caught her up well past midnight reading...they are so hard to put down!
These books are definitely worth the read and all the raves everyone talks about....even if we are not all Teens!!!

Olympic Torch Relay arrives in our town!

On Wednesday the Olympic torch relay made its way to our small town. The schools were let out to see the big event!
Although I was not able to make it there, Brittany did go and got some great shots!

It was evident to me looking at these pics how patriotic we can be! How proud we are to be Canadian! How amazing is the flame has been carried all over the world!

One of the people that ran with the torch has beaten cancer numerous times and he is only in high school. I can't imagine the emotion for his parents watching their son carry the torch!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

One of my favourite recipes for Christmas...

We try to do a little bit of Christmas baking for the holidays and one of our favourites is what we call Egg Drop Cookies.
They are simple to make and relatively low fat but soooo good if you like egg whites.
Thought I would share this tastey but simple recipe!

Egg Drop Cookies
3 lg egg whites
1/2 c white sugar
1/8 tsp Crm Tartar
1/4 tsp salt
1 c Mint Chips
Beat ingredients minus the chips until peaks form.
Add Chips
Spoon onto foil lined cookie sheet and bake @ 250 degrees for 1 hr.
So good!
The chips I don't know what they are called but we can buy them at our local bulk food store. They are white mint chocolate with red and green sprinkles on them.

Because there is not alot in them, I would think they are somewhat low fat especially if you compare it with some of the other goodies that are available during Christmas!
Try and let me know how you like them. I have members of my family that do not like egg whites so if you don't...think is not a recipe for you. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Just some random doggie pics...

Just bored and playing with my camera...took some random doggie shots about the house!
Here is Tye showing off his sexy new shirt. The boy has not so much hair and we have had a cold snap lately. He is really not a "killer" as his shirt states but Brittany thought the black shirt would be better on him!
Quite comical as we put it on him and he didn't want to move....and for this JRT not to want to move is SOMETHING!!!
This pic is self explanitory...Olivia has figured out that Bella is quite warm and snuggly to curl up against! Actually all of the yorkies have discovered this and more often than not there is at least one or more curled up with her.

My Autumn with her girlie....she has been a fantastic mom...oh how I love these ladies!

Hard to believe but Olivia is 8 weeks old tomorrow!!! She is a sweet girl and full of kisses. I have so much hope in this girl!
Only time will tell!!!

As Olivia is the 3rd generation born to me I have high hopes for her! Her great grandma was Lexi who i bought back in 2000. Lexi was a great gal but with each generation I see how my dogs have improved and gotten more correct to breed standard. As I am hoping that Olivia will be more correct than her mother Autumn (who is just about perfect in my eyes), Autumn is more correct than her mother etc etc. That, to me is what an ethical breeder does, each generation should be better than the last.
Likely in the new year I will get together with the owners of Olivia's father for an extra set of eyes and hands on her for their opinion. I highly respect these people and their opinion and hope they see what I see in my newest little girl!
Keep ya posted!