Friday, January 25, 2008

Happy Birthday to me

Just a quick post about my day. Today is my birthday...not going to devulge which birthday but its my birthday. I was treated to lunch with James at Boston Pizza in Peterborough and then supper with Dave and the girls at the Grand in Lindsay. I am FULL!!!
I was spoiled with a gorgeous pink amaryllis and Marc Jacobs "Daisy" perfume. Also a DQ cake with egg nog coolers...did I ever mention I love egg nog??
Also my wonderful beautiful and very intuiative sister totally blew me away with her gift of a gorgeous yorkie pin and a yorkie pendant...very cool gifts for the yorkie lover! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

James and I at Boston Pizza....
Thanks guys...luv you!!!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Happy Birthday To You! So glad to hear you had a great tells me your off a special little trip. Trev and I an another couple are thinking going to either Cuba, Jamaica or Dominican in April so you will have to let us know how your trip goes! And great blog, it's nice to be able to keep up with your comings and goings. Love you all!