Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Prom 2010

Well he did it! There were days I wasn't sure it was gonna happen but it looks like James is graduating gr 12 and receiving his OSSD diploma! was sometimes a challenge but he hung in there!
Last Saturday was prom and for the first time ever I got to see James in a tux! So, never one to miss a photo opportunity, I got some pics of him! Much to his dismay of course...he is not a picture fan!

Just for fun I thought I would post some pics of his last graduation (gr 8) and see what a change has occurred over the last 4 years! I remember at the time how big and grown up I thought he looked then, can't imagine how I feel now when he is age of majority!

The rest of the pics I was able get from James' date for night when she so nicely added me on FB so I could steal what I wanted! 'This' lovely lady below we have known for years. She is the daughter of the ball coach that my kids have had pretty much since t-ball days! Shelby is a sweet girl and I love this picture!

This beautiful girl is Stephanie and she was James' date for the evening! She is not only gorgeous but when James was grumbling about pictures she very quickly put him in his place and told him to stuff it...this was photo opp time so get used to it! And...even more surprisingly he did!!!! Notice the look on his face???? Hmmmm...not impressed right??!!!

This is another look back at the gr 8 graduation of James and Scott. They have been a pair since gr 7 when we moved into this school district. Sometimes not always good for each other and goading each other into doing really really stupid things, they have remained good friends and quite likely will for a long time!

And present day....
From what I heard, prom went off with out a hitch and all the graduates had fun! Congrats to James on his accomplishments thus far and many many well wishes for those in the future!
Oh and just a side note....James made me promise I wouldn't post any pictures on FB which I have honoured but he never said anything about my blog!!!!

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