Friday, June 26, 2009

Try, try, try again...

This week we will perservere and hopefully by the end of it, we will have a new Canadian champion!
Autumn competes in a series of 6 shows this week. 2 shows in our local arena and 4 shows in St Antoine Abbe, Quebec.
I was feeling very frustrated at her lack of obtaining points but have decided to carry on and hopefully we will have success!!!
Wish us luck and will definitely post her progress!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


It is really hard for me to believe that it has been 6 years since I said goodbye to my mom. In an instant she was gone, although I thought I was prepared to be without her, I really wasn't.... and in the years that has followed there are days that I think my heart will burst because she is not here with us.

I miss our friendship, I miss our talks. I miss going to the strongest person I knew for advice. I miss the relationship that was cut short for my kids.
I miss her guidance and her strength....
This day is so mixed up emotionally for me. We celebrate our anniversary on this day as well. 19 years ago we said our vows but since this day also now is a reminder of the day that I let my mom go, it never feels like a day for celebration anymore.
I realize we need to live looking forward and not looking back but so she was such a huge part of who I am and why I am where I am today.
So today I want to wish my hubby a very happy anniversary and also remember one of the greatest ladies I know.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Autumn @ Ontario County Kennel Club Show

Yes, I'm still here...just busy busy and not alot of time to blog!
Autumn this past weekend competed at the Ontario County dog show, here are a few pics my good buddy Esther took and sent me. I was working so she was out with Peter my handler.
My baby on the table.....

I am at a really frustrated point with her and her show career, she has recently competed in 2 weekends of shows (7 shows in total) and didn't pick up ANY points. She really should have picked up some anyway...Not sure why, even Peter doesn't know why. He feels she is nicer than some of the dogs she is up against however she is making her look bad. I watch her move at home and it is certainly not the way she moves in the ring. Some dogs are not show dogs and don't really like it. So this is where we sit, she is on 5 points, has to get 5 more and she is a finished champion. Do I throw in the towel and waste the money I've already spent on show entries and handling fees???? Or do I carry on and risk spending more money with the chance she will not pick up any more points???
Certainly frustrated as I believe and so does he that she is a nice girl and definitely worthy of the title...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Way to go Britt!

Congratulations to Brittany this week as she competed at the county level after getting a 1st in her school at the shot putt event!
She also got a 1st at high jump but they had to redo the event for some recording error. The second time around she didn't place!
At the county track and field she didn't place, and I didn't get any pics..."sorry"
However just the same, we are proud of you for your accomplishments!!!