Is it spring yet? Gosh I hope so! I am so sick of cold temperatures and snow!
As promised earlier here is an update on what has been going on with everyone here.
James has been taking drivers ed for the past 6 weeks or so, he has completed the in class work and just wrote his test (fingers crossed) and has about 3-4 more in car driving sessions to do. He has recently started taking Co-op through school and has been placed in one of our local abbatoirs. Surprisingly he really likes it! He even thinks this is where he would like to end up with as a career. Knowing James, he is apt to change his mind again but as least he is enjoying what he is doing and learning some skills. He is still working at McDonalds and will be there almost 2 years soon! He has just
tentatively bought himself a vehicle. I say tentatively because he hasn't actually paid for it yet but the the verbal agreement is in place and soon it should become concrete. It is a 1995 GMC Jimmy. It looks like a nice vehicle, James and Dave went over it last weekend and with some work and parts it should be safe to be on the road. We have been getting some insurance quotes and WOW its best to be sitting when getting them. It is literally highway robbery for young males to have insurance. We went on an online website that gave quotes and James changed his gender from male to female and the quote dropped in half. That was amazing..he changed nothing else but the gender!!!
He is doing ok in school....his usual stuff that he lags in getting done and then I have to get on his case and then he does it anyway but as long as he gets his credits we are both happy. He is preparing to go to old Quebec City over the march break on a school trip. I hope he enjoys the rich heritage that city has to offer!
Casi is still working at Canadian Tire and liking it but probably loving the paycheques even more! She recently bought her own plane ticket out west for the summer and just bought a gorgeous Pentax K100 camera. She bought this from a photographer and it looks to be an awsome camera for her interests. She signed up for gr. 11 photography next year so hopefully she'll put it to work. She already has such an eye for pictures. She is doing fabulous in school and pulled honours on her last report card. This semester seems like it is going just as well. She has just completed her course sign up for next year and by the looks of things it will be challenging but it is something she wants to do and I know she can do it! Cass has expressed interest in helping me show the puppies so i am thinking of entering one of the puppies in our local show the end of April to see what they can do. Who knows...if she gets good enough, I won't have to pay a handler!!
Brittany would love a job but of course is not old enough! Hard to believe but my baby turns 13 in just days away! I can't believe it, where has the time gone? She is doing really well in school and also has managed to pull off honours. She and Tye have been continuing with the obedience and graduation in next week. Their instructor thinks Tye is really for agility and just this week had him doing some jumps!! It was cool! Brittany is our typical pre teen turning teen...loves msn, loves the phone and just hanging out with her friends. She would like a cell phone for her birthday but I just can't warrant that...she'll have to wait a little longer! She is planning a party but still yet not sure of what they are!
Us?? Well things have been busy transporting the kids from their various activities and jobs. It seems I just fill my van with gas and it needs to be filled again and all I've done is run the kids here and there! I am sooooo looking forward to spring. I really do not like this time of year where everything looks stale and dead. We have alot of winter clean up to do, which is typical for the spring. We just bought 2 new rams for our sheep as our old guy was pretty much retired last fall. We only have 10 lambs or so because of this...he didn't really make his rounds within the herd!! I am hoping for 3 foals this year. By looks of the mares, I am thinking we will have 2 and the other one really doesn't look bigger. This should happen in May hopefully! I am still working and Dave is likely going back to nights in April sometime. Just thankful for our jobs at this point in the state of our economy! I am hoping before he goes back to work, he can get the rest of my windows in and do some other jobs that have been crying to be finished! I am hoping for a spring litter of puppies due early May and am planning some dog shows for spring/early summer too. I would imagine that spring will be just as busy but the thoughts of getting outside to do yard work sounds wonderful in my cabin fever state!
Spring can't come soon enough! Come on spring!