Tuesday, March 23, 2010


A couple of weeks ago we had the amazing opportunity to go flying!
This is a sponsored program for young girls to learn about aviation, flying, what is involved in getting their pilots licence and/or becoming a pilot as a career choice!

We met our pilot Leslie at the Oshawa Municipal Airport and she gave us the tour of the plane, its features and how it is controlled.

The controls..the girls had decided ahead of time that Brittany would fly. Casi and I sat in the back.

Don't we all look official with our head sets on!

After take off I got to take some pictures. I was a little nervous, not being a fan of heights and this plane was really really little!
I did manage to over come my panic to get some pictures of the ground below! Here are some of the aerial shots...this is a neighborhood of Oshawa.

Over Lake Scugog, we did some circling and then Brittany took over the plane! EEEEEKKKSS!
No kidding aside, she did really well and held the plane steady and did some turns.

It was a little foggy but we did see the CN tower in the distance.

The gang of the flight! It was incredible!

Our co-pilot! We did find out some interesting facts about getting your pilots licence. One fact that Brittany loved was that she at this age now could get her pilots licence! No drivers licence until 16 but yes she could fly a plane on her on at her age! Also it takes about 100 hrs of in flight training and about $10,000!
Just as we were leaving 2 rescue helicopters landed so we were able to get some close up shots. No rescue happening but we were told they were doing some training.

Very cool day! It meant a day out of school for the girls but really what better education than hands on experience!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Fun....you're so brave!