Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Aint that just Cool!!

A couple of weeks ago it was discovered by members of my household that Tim Hortons is now selling ICE CREAM!!! Just in time for summer!
So shortly there after we had to try it out!
What we found was absolutely amazing, creative and very VERY good!

My first flavour to try (I'm sure there will be lots more!) was the Peanut Butter Cup Perfection! I just love the taste of Peanut Butter with Ice Cream! Plus the added bonus of Reece's Peanut Cups in the ice cream was enough to hit my taste buds for the day!
I also discovered while there that they are now accepting debit! I don't patronize Tim Hortons too often as I find I never have much change on me so going there was never an option unless I wanted to go to a bank machine first. By that time its just easier to go home and have a coffee there!
Super thrilled with their changes! Keep it up!